Wednesday 15 December 2021



Cllr Shepherd - important that taxis are well maintained

A CHECK on potential regulations-breaches by local taxi drivers  has been launched in the run-up to Christmas,

It started last week when 15 random roadside spotchecks were carried out by officers from the police and from North East Lincolnshire Council.

Purpose of the inspections was to:

* Assess the condition of vehicles

* Check insurance

* Ensure that the correct signage was displayed

* Ascertain that the driver's ID badge was visible.

During the evening, the following findings were made:

* One hackney carriage vehicle roof light found to not be working.

* Two hackney carriage vehicles required tariff cards.

* One private hire driver issued with a ticket for parking on yellow zig zag lines.

* One hackney carriage vehicle found with a cracked wing mirror.

Commenting on the operation, Cllr Ron Shepherd, NELC's portfolio holder for safer and stronger communities, said: "Throughout the year, we carry out routine random inspections of our local taxis to make sure that they are maintained and up to a high standard.

"Christmas can be a particularly busy time for taxi drivers, and the majority care very well for their vehicles and their passengers. 

"As our checks showed, we have a high rate of compliance.

He continued: "Drivers also undergo annual inspections, but these random spotchecks allow us to ensure standards are continually being met."

Cllr Shepherd ended with a reminder - "under current Covid regulations, passengers are required to wear a face covering when using a taxi to help reduce the spread of the virus."

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