Monday 29 July 2024

Planners' thumbs-up for long-established lighting shop in Humberston to become a bungalow


Low-height fencing and concrete roof to be replaced with clay pantiles

THE lights could soon be going out at Humberston Lighting - at least at its present location.

Planning consent has been granted by North East Lincolnshire Council  for this enchanting shop at 9 Church Avenue, Humberston, to be converted to a bungalow.

The application  did not go before NELC's planning committee, but was determined by a case officer under delegated powers.

A report on the proposal states: "The property is an existing single storey building which is set back from the street. 

"The majority of the building would remain in situ, though  an element of demolition might be undertaken.

"The rear of the property will lose a large mass in the form of the flat roof workshop.

"This area will be converted into a garden, accessible from the kitchen and lounge of the proposed conversion.

"There would be changes at the front, including gravel and hardsurfacing, and the installation of low height fencing. 

"All of these changes are visually acceptable. Indeed planning permission is not generally required for such works.

"The shopfront will  be replaced with a domestic design.

"Initially, the shop window was shown to be removed and replaced with a new gable end frontage clad in timber with the introduction of three smaller windows. 

"The frontage of the existing adjoined garage was shown to be brought forward, in line with the front elevation, also clad in timber. 

"However this would not be in keeping with the character of the area and so, through negotiations, an amended design has been received. 

"This introduces a new bay window to add an architectural feature to the frontage as to be sympathetic to the existing streetscene. 

"Render has also been introduced as well as timber cladding. 

"One of the windows has been made obscurely glazed at the front with a secondary window at the side introduced for the bathroom. 

"The concrete pantile roof will be replaced with clay pantiles."

The report continues: "The above external works would not cause any adverse harm to the character of the area. 

"There could  be the addition of solar panels to the roof plane at the side/rear of the property."

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