Saturday, 3 April 2021


 OUTLINE consent has this week been granted for the proposed new  housing estate at the site of the former Western School in Grimsby.

North East Lincolnshire Council has earmarked the land,  off Cambridge Road, for up to 297 residential units - planning language for homes - and a 90-bed "extra care facility".

A report on the project states: "The 9.3-hectare site is located within the main urban area of Grimsby and currently presents as a large green space. 

"The proposed development is primarily in outline form with only the access roads to be considered.

"However, a design and access statement and landscape master plan have been submitted which details the ambition for the site. 

"Extensive green space is proposed with biodiversity and habitat improvements.

"The main access roads through the site are to be tree-lined, and green areas are proposed to the main access points into the site."

The report continues: "The site layout allows for a statement building at the main entrance off the Little Coates roundabout. 

"This is where the extra-care facility will be located. This will probably be a three-storey building, the final design of which will be considered later.

"The proposed overall housing mix is yet to be defined, but it is anticipated that there would be a well balanced mix of two, three- and four-bedroom dwellings."

The document adds: "It is projected that 50 of the dwellings will be designated for the over 50s."

More details of the house designs and the proposed landscaping will emerge later when a further application, containing more detail, is submitted.

It is not yet known which housebuilder - or housebuilders - will be involved  in the construction process.

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