Thursday, 11 March 2021


What could be in store - one of the images submitted to planners

IMPRESSIVE plans have been unveiled for a proposed new watersports building on Cleethorpes seafront.

Assuming the  project goes ahead, it will provide a base for the fast-growing number of people who enjoy paddleboarding, windsurfing, swimming and other activities off the beach.

The venture is the brainchild of  entrepreneurs Vince and Toni Weavers who have applied to develop a vacant plot once occupied by the Savoy amusement arcade.

The agent is James Lockwood of id architecture whose stylishly contemporary plans are now under consideration by North East Lincolnshire Council planners

Says he: "The proposed building will create a vibrant and exciting mixed-use development that will  combine Ebb & Flo's watersports activities, a cafe and a flexible first floor venue."

It will also incorporate  three-bedroomed living accommodation.

Planners are expected to make a decision later this spring.          


The vacant site earmarked for the development

The former Savoy amusement centre which once stood on North Promenade

Below: More artist's impressions of how the proposed building might look:

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