Sunday, 7 March 2021



The vacant bank - money will still be at the heart of operations 

HOPES that a redundant bank building in Grimsby might be converted to a restaurant or shop - or even a small cinema - have taken a knock.

Instead, the ground floor of the former Royal Bank of Scotland at the junction of Victoria Street and George Street is to accommodate amusement machines.

North East Lincolnshire Council has approved an  application by the Leeds-based Storey Group Ltd to change the use to that of an adult gaming centre. 

The decision dovetails with the council's aspirations to encourage more leisure activities in the town centre, but it will not be welcomed by all.

One member of the public has written: "I object to the change of use application based on the number of adult gaming and gambling facilities already available within the top town and Freeman Street  areas.

"There is already an adult gaming centre next door to the proposed property as well as additional facility a short distance down  Victoria Street. 

"There are also betting shops and bingo halls very close by."

He continued: "I do not believe that an additional facility of this nature will add value to the local economy as the clientele is already adequately served by existing options." 

The building is not listed but is in the Central Grimsby conservation area. 

In her report, NELC's heritage officer, Louise Jennings, commented: "Any application to bring back into use any currently unused building within the conservation area is welcome, and there are no objections in principle to this application. 

"There are no details on what signage is proposed and what the window displays would consist of. Further details of this should be conditioned to ensure that any of these external changes are sympathetic to the conservation."

The application did not go before the council's planning committee but was determined under delegated powers by a case officer whose report states: "There will be no physical alterations to the building, and it is considered that the new use will maintain the visual vitality of the area and indeed the character and appearance of the conservation area."                                          

How the new over-18s amusement centre might look

The Grimsby News says: This is disappointing. NELC has talked up its aspirations for Grimsby town centre to become a leisure hub, but it never said anything about incorporating slot-machine halls into the project. This consent will also, alas, provide another location for addictive gambling activity.

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