Tuesday, 16 March 2021


Cllr Jackson - Labour wants him axed

A CONTROVERSIAL call for the Leader of North East Lincolnshire Council to be sacked will be made later this week.

Cllr Philip Jackson faces a No Confidence vote at Thursday's full meeting of the authority.

The following  Notice of Motion will be proposed by NELC's Labour Group Leader Cllr Matthew Patrick and seconded by party colleague Cllr Wilson:

"Council will note that in December last year, a news story broke that shook the reputation of the administration of North East Lincolnshire Council to the core. 

"A local newspaper, the Grimsby Telegraph, highlighted a business relationship between a convicted fraudster and Cllr John Fenty whilst the latter was the portfolio holder for regeneration on North East Lincolnshire Council. 

"Despite public speculation that this issue could have developed into a potential conflict of interest, Cllr Fenty retained his portfolio duties at that time, and he did not disclose these facts. 

"Further to this, Alex May had, with others, had direct access to council officials, and it is unclear as to if there was a relationship disclosed between Cllr Fenty and Mr May at this time that might have made this inappropriate in the eyes of the public. 

"These events could risk our council being brought into disrepute, with speculation running rife amongst the general public about what this has revealed about the culture within the current council cabinet.

"Despite the welcome and much needed resignation of Cllr Fenty from his cabinet position, the Leader of the council, Councillor Jackson, who appointed Councillor Fenty, despite protests from opposition members, has failed to act decisively in the public interest over events.

Cllr Patrick - controversial call 

 "Cllr Jackson has thus failed in his duty to uphold the integrity of his office, failed to meet the standard of conduct expected by residents, and moreover, has allowed his Cabinet to risk being seen to breach  principles of good governance. 

"This council concludes that Cllr Jackson’s position as council leader is untenable, as not only does the leader and his Cabinet need to be beyond reproach but needs to be seen to be beyond reproach.

"This council no longer has confidence in Cllr Jackson to continue as leader and removes him, with immediate effect from his office, to allow a new leader to be appointed, as per the rules of this council’s constitution." 


Cllr Wilson - seconder of the Motion

The Grimsby News says: Was NELC's reputation really "shaken to the core?" Surely that takes exaggeration to new limits, even by the wobbly standards of local politics? The businessman referred to by the Labour Leader may have an historic  blot on his record, but, as we understand it, he served his punishment and is entitled to a fresh start. That is a principle of natural justice. And, if the said individual was offering ideas and the  prospect of  much-needed investment in the borough, why should the portfolio for regeneration not have listened? That was his brief. As for the council Leader, Philip Jackson, and his administration, there is no reason to indicate that their conduct has been other than  beyond reproach. There needs to be a strong Opposition on the council, but this Labour motion is, alas,  flimsily-conceived and sloppily-worded. It is certain to be defeated. Rightly so.

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