Saturday 9 September 2023

A helping hand for Cleethorpes' precious shorebirds thanks to gentle coaxing of civil enforcement officers

Tact seems to be the watchword - and these dog-walkers respond positively to the advice of civil enforcement officers

CREDIT to the civil enforcement officers who are helping to safeguard shorebirds on Cleethorpes beach.

At this time of year, thousands of wading birds of at least a dozen different species break their migration from the Artic Circle to Africa to rest and feed on the sandflats.

But if chased by dogs, they are put in peril and forfeit the energy required for them to complete their long journey.

There is a well-publicised ban on dogs being on the central beach between Good Friday and September 30. 

This is generally respected, but, if breached,  the civil enforcement team are on hand to provide 'advice' - usually with a diplomatic word or two but sometimes with a £100 fixed penalty ticket. 

How do the dog-owners respond? Generally positively but sometimes with abuse which is almost off the scale.

Curlews, godwits, knot and grey plover feed and rest on the edge of the saltmarsh

The signage could scarcely be more conspicuous

Cleethorpes Pier provides the backdrop to this flock of undisturbed shorebirds


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