Sunday, 4 August 2024

Property developer comes a cropper with plan to build four bungalows on leafy site near Tollbar roundabout


The site where the bungalows and garages would have been built

THERE has been a setback for a Healing businessman who had earmarked a site in New Waltham for building four bungalows, each with a garage.

Mr Biju Chacko's proposal was to build on a leafy  plot behind 205-207 Station Road not far from the Waltham Tollbar roundabout

But the scheme did not go down well with nearby residents, for instance some on Tollbar Avenue, who protested to North East Lincolnshire council that the development would have an  adverse impact on their own amenities.

And this week, Mr Chacko learned that his application had been refused - not by the council's planning committee but by case officer Owen Toop under delegated powers.

Writes Mr Toop in his report: "Having reviewed the scheme, its design is unacceptable and would present an overbearing impact on neighbouring properties. 

"The narrow nature of the site and the quantity of the  development reflects poor design with ambiguity on existing and proposed landscaping drainage and highways. 

Concerns had also been expressed by residents  about the loss of wildlife but this does not seem to  have figured in the reckoning of in Mr Toop  who will will have noted the comments of council ecology officer Rachel Graham.

She found no reason to object to the application so long as efforts were to be made to enhance the biodiversity of the site - for instance, by positioning lighting so that it would not disrupt the flightpaths of bats and by installing a swift-nesting brick in each of the bungalows which were designed to have high rooves. 

During the run-up to the application being determined last Friday August 2, there were claims that unlawful burning of waste had been taking place on the site.

These are being investigated by NELC planning enforcement and environmental health officers.

Mr Chacko has the right of appeal to an independent planning inspector.

The proposed development would have been close to Tollbar roundabout (above)

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