CONTRACTORS will be back at Grimsby's Riverhead Square later this month and for most of spring.
This was confirmed today be North East Lincolnshire Council which warned residents of nine weeks' of disruption ahead.
In a statement, it says: "The renovation was substantially completed last year, but some works are outstanding.
"Works to electricity connections require upgrading to allow power to be delivered to the main feed.
"Northern Power Grid has been unable to do the work until now.
"Once this is in place, it means that events and markets will be able to use the power boxes installed around the square rather than having to hire in generators."
NELC goes on to warn: "This will involve disruption - areas will be taken out of use to form safe working areas for a period of five weeks."
Even then, the long-running project will not be complete
The main contractor, Hessle-based C.R. Reynolds, will be summoned back to "make good all areas".
This will include bonding loose gravel that is being removed from the flower beds - reportedly during acts of anti-social behaviour.
Some of the new trees look somewhat sickly and may have to be replaced.
These so-called "snagging works" will take a further four weeks by which time we will be well into May.
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