Saturday, 8 March 2025

Let it flow! Water company confident it can cope with sewage surge if Pleasure Island revamp goes ahead


Tired of waiting? The former theme park awaits its fate

ANGLIAN Water has confirmed that its Newton Marsh treatment centre at Tetney is capable of accommodating flows from any redevelopment of the former Pleasure Island theme park.

Given that the project includes, two hotels, a supermarket, a garden centre, a coffee drive-thru and no fewer than 272 holiday cabins, the output of wastewater could be enormous.

However, the water company says it would be within "acceptable parameters".

Despite this encouraging morsel of reassurance, the Lidl-led consortium will be disappointed that Anglian still has misgivings about run-off water in the event of heavy rain which, it fears, could lead to flooding of the site and its surroundings.

Anglian further says that it may have unspecified "assets"' on site which would need to be safeguarded.

For the time being at least, it maintains a holding objection on the long-delayed and controversial project.


Other high-profile corporate objectors include Natural England and the Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust who are both fearful about potentially harmful impact on birds and butterflies which have flourished during the long period  in which the site has been closed.

On the plus side - and it is a big plus - the Environment Agency has withdrawn its opposition subject to assurances that the holiday cabins will remain closed during winter when  flood risk is usually at it highest.


Anglian Water's Newton Marsh water treatment plant at Tetney

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