Tuesday, 4 March 2025

Is this the beginning of the end for one of Cleethorpes area's last broadleaved woodlands?


End-of-life for a Cleethorpes woodland? Most of the remaining trees are doomed

AN appointment with the chainsaws has befallen an historic woodland on the outskirts of Cleethorpes.

As spring starts, the first trees have been felled at the eight-acre Peaks Covert Farm Wood which sits adjacent to the Altyre Way car showroom complex near Tesco.

Once the site has been cleared, there is planning permission for a holiday park with 44 lodges - the initiative of Tetney entrepreneur  Sean Henderson.

Go-ahead for the venture was given by North East Lincolnshire planners in November 2023 - coincidentally at the same meeting that consent was granted for a salmon-rearing factory on the other side of Cleethorpes on ABP-owned land behind Blundell Park.  

The target market for Lodge Park, as it is due to be known, is described as being "the medium-high net worth Jaguar-Landrover sector". 

It has been designed by Cleethorpes-based Hodson Architects whose director, Mark Hodson, represented Mr Henderson at the NELC planning meeting. 

The same patch of woodland as it was last summer - alive with songbirds, butterflies and bees 

Enchanted wood - some trees might  remain but most will be cleared in favour of holiday lodges

A Robin in song - a  feature of the wood's springtime dawn chorus

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