Tuesday 16 April 2024

Hopes rise for welfare of nesting Grimsby swans following temporary installation of fencing

Protected - the plucky Riverhead swans

PROMPT action by Cleethorpes Wildlife Rescue should help to safeguard a pair of mute swans that are nesting at Grimsby's Riverhead.

In the past, similar nests have been subjected to attacks by ne'er-do-wells throwing sticks, stones or bricks.

But this year, the wildlife rescue charity has been quick to install protective fencing. 

This will not guarantee the birds' safety, nor success for their nesting attempt, but at least it has increased their chances.

Says CWR: "We have introduced protective measures at the River Freshney as part of a licence granted by North East Lincolnshire Council. 

"This licence has given us the ability to prevent the illegal disturbance and destruction of the swans' nest.

"Sadly, it had  already been victim to mindless attacks and bottles being thrown on to it." 

The statement continues: "Many members of the public have approached our volunteers and said how they were thankful that these measures had been put in place as they often see people acting in a cruel manner towards these swans. 

"We should like to say a big thank you to HSS Hire who have provided these fence panels for free, NELC for their support, and to our volunteers, Michaela and Tia, for installing the equipment.

"We will continue to relay any updates to the local authority and Humberside police if and when necessary."

* The children's author, Enid Blyton, once lost a pair of swans that were nesting by a pond at the edge of her garden when they were stoned by two boys through a gap in the edge. She later wrote: "I think  both those boys should have been well and truly whipped, don't you? There are just a few things that I think whipping should be the punishment for, and cruelty to birds or animals is one of them."  

Cleethorpes Wildlife Rescue has expressed gratitude to supporters including volunteers Michaela and Tia


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