Thursday 4 July 2024

Does post in prospective Labour government team beckon for Grimsby's Melanie Onn?


Melanie Onn - admired by Labour leader

IF the opinion polls are correct and Labour take the General Election spoils both in Grimsby & Cleethorpes and beyond, will there be a place in Sir Keir Starmer's  cabinet for Melanie Onn?

Although she has never served in Government, Ms Onn - who was 45 last month - has front bench experience. 

During her last spell as MP, she served first as shadow deputy leader of the Commons, then as shadow minister for housing.

Because of her parliamentary experience and because Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer is known to be an admirer, Ms Onn could be offered a top table post in his  team.

After losing her seat to Conservative opponent Lia Nici in the 2019 General Election, she landed a job as deputy chief executive of  windfarm lobby group RenewableUK for whom she worked before stepping down in 2023 to rejoin the political fray.

This experience could stand her in good stead if Sir Keir is looking to appoint an Energy Secretary to work alongside Ed Miliband who is hot tip to become Environment Secretary.

Failing that, housing is known to be an interest - not least because , as a teenager, she was a beneficiary of support from the charity, Doorstep, which helps young people who become homeless.

During the current campaign, Ms Onn is not saying too much about Britain's relationship with Europe.

Her heavy defeat in the 2019 General Election is largely attributed for her being a Remainer when most of her constituents were in favour of leaving the European Union.

Meanwhile, what future Lia Nici if, as predicted, she loses out to her Labour opponent on July 4?

There could be several employment offers or she may prefer to return to education - she was lecturer at Grimsby College for many years.

It is also possible she might want to  relaunch her more recent career in  freelance video production.

But she hopes such speculation is ill-judged - she would much rather be re-elected as MP.

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