Friday, 16 July 2021


A sample of the copper silhouettes proposed for the wall of a Grimsby store 

A PROPOSAL to install ornamental copper silhouettes to east side of the side of the Wilkinson’s shop at 6 Bull Ring Lane in Grimsby has this week been submitted to North East Lincolnshire Council.

The project is part of the ongoing scheme to enhance St James' Square.

Other schemes submitted this week include the following: 

* Remedial works to the Ice Factory including the insertion of security doors and timber boards to ground level and upper openings; removal of existing coverings to pitched roof areas; replacement of flat roof coverings with liquid applied system; replacement of existing glass from windows with translucent Perspex; replacement of existing rainwater gutters and downpipes; the removal of ice tanks 1, 2, 4 and part of ice tank 3 with deteriorated steel support and installation of perimeter structure and truss; and other associated works, Grimsby Ice Factory, Gorton Street, Grimsby Docks.

* Alterations to front elevation to create accessible entrance, Darracottes (The Beach Restaurant), North Promenade, Cleethorpes.

* Erect two-storey extension with two dormers to rear and two dormers to front, The Copse, Barton Street, Laceby.

* Demolish existing detached garage and covered porch, erect detached car port, erect two storey extension to front with various internal and external alterations, widening of existing vehicular access and creation of parking/turning area, 2 Brigsley Road, Waltham.

* Reserved matters application for access, appearance, landscaping and layout to include details of drainage, air quality, highway construction, construction management plan and open space/landscape management plan for the erection of 152 dwellings together with a sales suite, construction of garages, driveways and estate roads, including an emergency vehicular access onto Charles Avenue and associated works, land at Field Head Road, Laceby.

* Erect two storey extension to side and rear, 58 Cheapside, Waltham.

* Listed Building consent – Remedial works to the Ice Factory including the insertion of security doors and timber boards to ground level and upper openings; removal of existing coverings to pitched roof areas; replacement of flat roof coverings with liquid applied system; replacement of existing glass from windows with translucent Perspex; replacement of existing rainwater gutters and downpipes; the removal of ice tanks 1, 2, 4 and part of ice tank 3 with deteriorated steel support and installation of perimeter structure and truss; and other associated works. Grimsby Ice Factory, Gorton Street, Grimsby Docks, Grimsby.

* Erect single storey side extension with ramped access, 11 Willow Close, Laceby.

* Erect single storey garage following the demolition of the existing, erect two storey side extension with car port and erect single storey rear extension, 19 Frobisher Avenue, Grimsby.

* Replace doors and windows and reinstate chimney with associated works 1 Auckland Road, Grimsby Docks, Grimsby.

* Partial change of use at ground floor from office to bar, alterations to doors and windows and creation of outdoor seating area to front with associated works, Kingsway Club, 3 Kingsway, Cleethorpes.

* Erection of 12 bungalows with parking, boundary treatments, access roads and associated works -  land at Caspian Crescent.

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