Saturday, 8 May 2021


 A SHIPPING container could soon be installed on the car park within Grimsby's Alexandra Retail Park to serve as a hot food takeaway.

A planning application is currently under consideration by North East Lincolnshire Council.

Might the container have an adverse impact on the visual setting of the site and the surrounding historic buildings in the Corporation Road area?

Not according to a report in favour of the project which states: "Given the small scale of the proposed building and its recessive materials and colour, it will have a neutral impact on the significance of the setting of the heritage assets. 

"There is some intervisibility between the site of the proposed building and the heritage assets, particularly looking from the development site outwards,  but the nature of the proposals will not harm the setting of these assets. 

"Historic mapping suggests that there were isolated buildings within the openness of the current parking space, which was formerly part of the railway tracks and sidings serving the west side of Alexandra Dock. 

"Relatively recent excavation works on the development site will already have taken place to the car park including depths to suit sub-base constructions to an adoptable standard. 

"The proposed development will not involve any excavation works, and it is understood the container will sit on the existing Tarmac finish. 

"There will therefore be no impact on potential below ground assets." 

The applicant is Grimsby man Ian Stiffel.

The Grimsby News says: "It is hard to be too enthusiastic about this proposal. However sympathetically they are converted, shipping containers are architecturally ugly, especially when they are locked up after trading hours. There are couple of such units on Cleethorpes seafront, and they are not pleasing on the eye. It would be a shame if this scheme were to set a precedent for  similar containers to be installed on land within other retail parks.   

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