Sunday, 23 February 2025

Grimsby-born director of Miss England contest confirms make-up free round in 2025 event


Contestants in a previous Miss England contest (photo: Nathan Bryant)

THE Grimsby-born director of the Miss England has confirmed that there will be a make-up free round in the final stages of this year's event.

Says Angie Beasley: "Contestants who reach the semi-finals and  final can choose to enter the optional make-up free round which entails posting a natural make-up free image of themselves on their own social media accounts.

"This is a unique and empowering element of the competition - by showcasing their natural beauty without the aid of makeup, the contestants can celebrate their individuality and self-confidence. 

"This round also promotes natural and realistic beauty on social media which I believe is good thing."


Angie Beasley - she grew up in Grimsby and Cleethorpes

In her childhood, Angie lived variously in  Buller Street and Felstead Road, in Grimsby, then  in  Brereton Avenue, Cleethorpes.

She attended primary schools in Edward Street and  Yarborough Road, then Lindsey High. 

She recounted her early life, including her experiences as a beauty queen, in a fascinating book, The Frog Princess, published by Penguin in 2016.  

More about the Miss England competition at:

Extraordinary revelations - Angie Beasley's book


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