Friday 24 May 2024

North East Lincolnshire Council's cabinet now has portfolio holder for all things green and leafy


Cllr Henry Hudson - he will oversee matters related to the environment 

THERE is a new member of  North East Lincolnshire Council's cabinet.

Henry Hudson, one of the  Wolds ward's two Conservative representatives, has been appointed portfolio holder for environment and net zero.

Announcing the appointment today, NELC leader Cllr Philip Jackson said: Cllr Philip Jackson, leader of the Council, said: "We welcome Cllr Hudson to the cabinet."

The Cabinet responsibilities for the forthcoming civic year are as follows:

Cllr Philip Jackson – Leader and Portfolio Holder for Economy, Regeneration, Devolution and Skills:

Economic strategy

Regeneration, inward investment and growth

Business support and local enterprise

Devolution, regional development and strategic economic collaboration

Skills and employability

Cllr Stan Shreeve – Deputy Leader and Portfolio Holder for Health, Wellbeing and Adult Social Care:

Adult social care

Health and adult social care commissioning and provision

Public health and health inequality

Health and care partnership, collaboration and integration

Cllr M Cracknell – Portfolio Holder for Children and Education:

Statutory Lead Member for children’s services

Safeguarding of children and young people

Corporate parenting, care leavers and family support

Early help

School improvement and education

Cllr S Harness – Portfolio Holder for Finance, Resources and Assets:

Financial strategy and corporate governance

Revenue budget and capital programme

Digital strategy, inclusion and development

Shared services and commercial development

Financial inclusion

Assets (corporate, commercial, community) and estate management

Cllr H Hudson – Portfolio Holder for Environment and Net Zero:

Waste, recycling and environmental management

Neighbourhood services, street scene, parks, open spaces

Climate Change related policy implementation affecting the natural environment

Net Zero, decarbonisation, the NEL Carbon Roadmap and the Green agenda

Cllr S Swinburn – Portfolio Holder for Housing, Infrastructure and Transport

All aspects of housing

Planning, development control, highways and transportation

Traffic management, parking and regulation

Cllr R Shepherd – Portfolio Holder for Safer and Stronger Communities:

All aspects of local authority enforcement and regulatory services

Environmental health, port health, food safety, pollution control, trading standards and licensing

Community safety and anti-social behaviour

Voluntary and community sector

Emergency planning and civil contingencies

Cllr H Dawkins – Portfolio Holder for Culture, Heritage and the Visitor Economy:

Tourism and the visitor economy

Leisure, sport and recreation, including the playing pitch strategy

Culture, Borough heritage, museums and the arts

Equalities, diversity and inclusion

Other committee and panel membership

Scrutiny Panels:

Children and Education (Chair: Cllr Paul Silvester)

Health and Adult Social Care (Chair: Cllr Karl Wilson)

Transport, Infrastructure and Strategic Housing (Chair: Cllr  Sheldon Mill)

Economy, Culture and Tourism (Chair: Cllr Keith Brookes)

Communities (Chair: Cllr Nicola Aisthorpe)

Regulatory Committees:

Appointments Committee (Chair: Cllr Philip Jackson)

Planning Committee (Chair: Cllr David Hasthorpe)

Standards and Adjudication Committee (Chair: Cllr Sophia Farren)

Licensing and Community Protection Committee (Chair: Cllr Janet Goodwin)

Audit and Governance Committee (Independent Chair, Tim Render; Deputy Chair: Cllr Steve Holland)

Two Cabinet working parties have also been formed, with a focus on the following areas:

Selective licensing and Houses in Multiple Occupation

Environmental street scene and Enforcement

The appointments were confirmed at yesterday evening's  AGM.

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