Tuesday, 13 June 2023

High praise for council chief but report highlights 'mixed views' about middle managers


Rob Walsh - personable approach

A PAT on the back has come for North East Lincolnshire Council's  chief executive, Rob Walsh.

A team of inspectors described him as  "very well respected internally and externally for his visible leadership, openness and values". 

The panel's report states: "Staff and partners speak unprompted about his personable approach and how much they appreciate his engagement with them including his accessibility, weekly email messages, his genuine open-door policy and  his willingness to engage at all levels. 

"Frontline employees told the peer team they welcome the time he takes to engage with them and listen to their views."

Overall, the report is upbeat about the how council is run.

It continues: "Staff and councillors have an immense pride in delivering services for their communities, with many feeling a particular identity in being from the area and working for the residents and stakeholders.  

"Employees like the values of the council and generally describe it as an open and non-hierarchical place to work, where they can take risks, innovate and make positive contributions which are listened to at the most senior levels.  

"There is a general sense of everyone working with a common purpose.  

"Staff also value working with their team members and colleagues and like the mutual support they give each other. 

"There is evident goodwill towards the council." 

However, it is not all honey and roses.

Say the authors: "Staff commonly describe feeling very stretched - everything feels like a 'priority'.  

"The challenges within Children’s Services are known at headline levels although there are also concerns of the impact the recovery will have on wider budgets.  

Middle managers know each other well and want to work together more, and, despite the small size of the council, there are concerns of elements of silo working.  

"There are mixed views about individual managers and how they manage. 

"Some are very highly regarded and appreciated for the support they give and their leadership but staff in some areas have a strong desire for greater accountability and responsibility from managers."

The document continues: "Resourcing services is also an area of concern for staff, particularly about workloads increasing when staff leave  and their posts are not filled.

"A repeated concern is the impact high workloads have on backlogs and their ability to deliver services to the right level for residents and communities."

It concludes: "Priorities urgently need to be revisited in light of capacity."

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