Wednesday, 11 December 2019


VILLAGERS have failed in their bid to prevent   a semi-detached bungalow in New Waltham being  converted to a residential children's home.

Protests letters, emails and a petition cascaded into the offices of  North East Lincolnshire Council. 

The parish council also objected to the change-of-use proposal for 35 Peak Avenue.

Their concerns focused on the following:

* Congestion, traffic and parking
* Inadequate public transport
* Noise
* Crime, security, safety and anti-social behaviour issues
* Site management arrangements

However, there were also a few letters of support.

At this month's meeting of the borough planning committee, members approved the planning application which was  drawn up for NELC itself by its private sector contractor, Engie

A note of recommendation from the planning officer states:"The proposed development seeks to provide essential accommodation in the form of a small children's home which is to be delivered by the local authority. 

"The proposal will maintain a residential use in a residential area albeit of a different use class." 

It continues: "The overall intensity of the use of the site would not significantly change to what may reasonably be expected at a dwelling house.

"It is not considered that there would not be any significant impacts on the neighbouring properties' residential amenities, nor  harm to highway safety, nor crime. 

"The general appearance of the property will not be altered, so the visual character of the area will be unaffected."  

Up to four children (between the ages of five and 18) will live at the property, with a minimum of two members of staff providing permanent 24-hour care on a shift basis. 

This will be the children's permanent home, with the council acting in a parenting role.

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