Friday 29 March 2024

MP warns that proposed 87-mile pylon route will be 'detrimental' to agriculture, tourism and wildlife


Pylons are already a feature in some parts of North East Lincolnshire including New Waltham where these are located. They have sometimes been likened to 'giant naked humans'. 

A LINCOLNSHIRE MP has weighed into the rumpus over a proposed 87-miles stretch of pylons and overhead electricity cables that National Grid wish to instal from Grimsby through Lincolnshire to North Norfolk.

Earlier in the month, Martin Vickers (Cleethorpes) raised his concerns in the Commons, and now, following meetings with constituents, his Conservative colleague, Matt Warman (Boston and Skegness), has decided to chip in.

The Grimsby News has today seen a copy of the letter of concern Mr Warman has sent to National Grid.

In it , he he warns of the potential damage to agriculture from the pylons which he claims would be a threat to the nation's food security.                                             

Matt Warman - 'transparency is vital'

He further states that tourism - worth an estimated £2.6-billion annually to Greater Lincolnshire - risked being undermined.

The third plank of his protest is that 'industrialisation' of the rural landscape could have a detrimental impact on wildlife, particularly night-migrating birds which might crash into the cables with fatal consequences.

Mr Warman also expresses disappointment that National Grid has so far withheld  detailed analysis of the cost of the two alternatives to pylons, namely burying the cables underground or laying them on the seabed.

"Transparency is vital if communities are to have any trust in the the decision-making process," he says.

National Grid is currently evaluating all the representations after which it is expected to issue further information.

The giant route proposed for the giant pylons

* Below: The MP's letter to the National Grid. 

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