Saturday 8 July 2023

Civic society warns of pollution risk and harm to Cleethorpes tourism from salmon 'farm' proposal


Will proposed salmon 'farm' discharges contaminate Cleethorpes bathing waters? 

A NOTE of caution has been sounded on the indoor salmon 'farm' proposed for scrubland between Blundell Park and the sea wall.

Following a discussion by its members, the following statement has been issued by Grimsby, Cleethorpes & District Civic Society:

"Appropriate care needs to be taken over the dispersal of effluents from this facility. We are not convinced that will be the case. 

"We also ask that local residents' views are taken seriously as they will suffer from any issues that may arise. 

"We reserve the right to make further comment as this progresses. 

"We are also concerned that this facility will be detrimental to the success of Cleethorpes as a holiday resort.

"It is too close to the North Promenade. 

"As it stands, we cannot fully endorse this application."

The statement echoes misgivings expressed by others about the wisdom of discharging wastewater into the Humber, potentially creating harm to biodiversity and both contaminating Cleethorpes Beach and further polluting its bathing waters. 

Ethics also comes into the debate. Salmon have evolved to swim long distances, so should they be confined to tanks where they are likely to undergo extreme stress?

However, the early consensus seems to be the project should be supported as a likely generator of employment, especially as the applicants say wastewater will be filtered prior to discharge.

Before any decision is reached, the planning department will want to hear the views of such organisations as Natural England, the Environment Agency and welfare organisations.   

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